
The ACLU of Colorado’s 状态wide We Are the Vote Voter Guide provides Colorado voters with critical information about civil rights and civil liberties issues that are on the ballot this election. 我们希望选民能够利用这份指南来了解选票上出现的倡议, as well as the powers that various elected officials have to protect and extend civil rights and civil liberties. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球是一个无党派组织, 我们不支持任何候选人或政党.

2022年中期选举在即. 所有选票必须在下午7点前收到.m. 11月8日. 把你的选票投到投递箱或你所在县的投票中心. 查找地点: justvotecolorado.org.




Ballot initiatives provide Colorado voters the opportunity to participate in direct democracy by voting specifically on policies and not just politicians. 联邦政府不再能够保护我们的基本权利, but we can vote for 状态 and local ballot initiatives that give Colorado an opportunity to become a national leader in defending and expanding our hard‐won rights.




同意结束住房危机 – Colorado is in the midst of a devastating 住房 crisis that is having a disproportionate impact on communities of color and leading to a cascade of civil rights abuses for unhoused people. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球支持有助于保护和增加住房的公共政策. 


State Proposition 123 will help increase and maintain the number of affordable 住房 units across the 状态. 


Denver’s Initiative 305 will keep more Denver families in their homes by ensuring access to free legal assistance for renters, 所以他们不会被房东不公平地驱逐.



赞成结束毒品战争 -科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球支持全面彻底地结束失败的种族主义毒品战争. The ACLU endorses public policies that take steps toward ending drug criminalization in favor of a well-regulated market and treatment-based approaches, 消除50年来失败的毒品政策的危害. 


State Proposition 122 will decriminalize the personal use and possession of five types of hallucinogenic and entheogenic plants and fungi and create a natural medicine services program. 





支持公平教育 – A separate and unequal educational experience has been a primary driver of systemic inequalities for people of color in Colorado.


提案FF将为参与地区的所有K-12学生提供免费膳食, 不管他们的家庭收入如何. 为所有人提供免费学校午餐,消除了需要免费或减少膳食的学生的耻辱, 提高了教育成果.



支持选民无障碍 -选民参与保护我们的民主. 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球认为投票应该是公平的, 透明的, and easy for all voters – whether that’s through increased ballot transparency or streamlined election dates. 


Proposition GG will require additional transparency for 状态 ballot measures by requiring relevant initiatives to include a tax table on the ballot to show just how much cost or savings a family can expect. 


问题2E将使市政选举在偶数年举行. Aligning local elections with 状态 and federal election calendars reduces voter fatigue and increases voter participation.


3A问题将恢复竞选政治职位的权利,尽管先前有重罪定罪. 这项措施也将使该市符合科罗拉多州宪法, 哪项法律保护竞选公职的权利作为公民的基本权利.



支持性别平等 -在潮流转变的时候, 女性 still make up a disproportionately small percentage of the military and veterans and are often left out of support once their serving or veteran spouse passes away.


修正案E弥补了股权差距, ensuring the same homestead exemption access to spouses when they lose their partner in the line of duty or from a service-related injury or disease.




反对不公平的税收政策 -在争取种族正义的斗争中, 系统性的平等, 以及移民正义, 为满足家庭的基本需求提供资金需要健全的税收收入.


科罗拉多州的ACLU反对121号提案, 知道州收入的减少可能会为我们收入最低的邻居每年节省5美元, 但这将使支持他们获得食物的项目付出代价, 住房, 医疗保健, 以及数百万的教育. Hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue loss will have a direct and negative impact on already underfunded necessary programs that help build power and equity across Colorado.


州和地方民选官员在保护科罗拉多州的公民权利方面发挥着关键作用. 改变生活的住房选择, 种族平等, 刑事司法改革, 而LGTBQ+的权利通常是由州和地方民选领导人制定的. 现在比以往任何时候都更重要的是,确保所有像你这样的声音在当地种族中被听到. 


The General Assembly is Colorado’s 状态 legislative body consisting of two chambers: the house with 65 seats and the senate with 35 seats.  州议员负责制定和决定州法律,并控制州预算. Decisions made at the 状态 legislature affect local counties and municipalities and can even affect other 状态s by setting policy precedents. State senators and house members can vote to uphold or reverse 状态 laws on civil liberty issues such as reproductive freedom, 刑事司法改革, 和教育. 


州检察长是科罗拉多州最高的法律官员.  They protect Colorado from federal overreach on important civil liberties and civil rights issues like 医疗保健, 移民, 数据隐私和刑事法律改革.  他们有能力向国家机构发布法律指导或正式意见, 包括sbobet篮球堕胎禁令是否符合宪法的意见, 移民执法, 课堂审查.   They can also advise the 状态 legislature and 状态 agencies on ways to protect Coloradans from 歧视 and ensure equal access to services. 司法部长也可以加入或发起针对歧视的诉讼.  法律或政策. 


Secretary of 状态 is Colorado’s chief elections officer with responsibility for oversight and administration of elections. The secretary of 状态 can expand voting access by implementing programs like online voter registration or mobile signature verification. 他们还可以倡导和建议与投票有关的州立法.   


地区检察官是选举产生的检察官. 他们是刑事司法系统中最有影响力的角色. 他们有权决定谁应该被指控犯罪,也可以拒绝提出指控. Prosecutors’ decisions and their influence over local and 状态 criminal justice laws have been one of the primary drivers of incarceration and racial disparities throughout the justice system. District attorneys can exercise prosecutorial discretion to not bring charges against those accused of violating classroom censorship laws 和教育 gag orders that restrict teachers and students from being able to learn about issues related to race and gender in the classroom. 他们还可以拒绝起诉与艾滋病毒状况有关的犯罪, 性工作, and other criminalization that disproportionately affects LGBTQ people; train staff to respectfully manage cases involving hate crimes and domestic violence; and establish data collection to track treatment of LGBTQ victims and defendants. 

Colorado’s county clerks act as the local election administrator and run the day-to-day operations of registration and voting. 他们负责招募和培训选举官员, 邮寄缺席选票, 清点和拉票选举结果. 县办事员也在发放游行和抗议许可证方面发挥作用, 包括LGBTQ游行或活动, 招募或培训投票工作人员,以确保他们对lgbtq友好, 或者确保同性伴侣可以获得结婚证. 


学校董事会代表可以通过重要政策,保护LGBTQ学生免受骚扰, 歧视, 和欺凌, including ensuring students in their district have the right to access restrooms and play sports in accordance with their gender. They can also either endorse or fight back against attempts to restrict school curriculums limiting how race, 性取向, 性别认同可能会在学校里被讨论, 并抵制从学校图书馆移除LGBTQ人的书籍和sbobet篮球LGBTQ人的书籍的企图.


社区积极分子, 女性, 民权领袖世世代代为获得投票权而奋斗. 我们可以通过今年11月的投票来纪念这一遗产. 

投票箱将于10月17日开始开放,所有选票必须在下午7点前收到.m. 在选举日.  


  • 下拉箱:位置是安全的,监控,和可用的24/7. 
  • 亲自:在您所在县的选民服务投票中心(VSPC)投票. 您也可以访问VSPC以获得帮助、替换选票和登记投票. 
  • 邮寄:推荐两枚邮票. 10月31日是建议邮寄选票的最后一天. 在那之后,使用投递箱或亲自去. 


找一个投递箱或选民服务中心 & 通过访问科罗拉多州州务卿的网站在 GoVoteColorado.政府 请将选票寄回投票箱或于下午7点前排队投票.m. 11月8日,星期二,选举日.



  • 您可以第一次注册,也可以在线查看或更新您的注册.  
  • 您有权在当天进行选民登记,并可以在下午7点前登记投票.m. 在选举日.  
  • 是的,你有权在科罗拉多州投票,如果你 
    • 是否有犯罪记录,包括目前正在假释、审前监禁或轻罪.  
    • 是否由法定监护人照顾或被限制在机构.  
    • 流离失所,无家可归,或离家投票(e.g.(大学生、军人、看门人). 
  • 你有权在不受恐吓和胁迫的情况下投票. 
    • 打电话或发短信866-OUR-VOTE或888-VE-Y-VOTA 
  • 选民 这些县 是否有权获得西班牙语的选举材料和援助.
